
Last updated: October 17th, 2018


Making History Gold Edition provides an extensive modding framework, allowing players to build their own scenarios. Over time, many player created scenarios have emerged. Making History Gold Edition actually includes a few player created scenarios out of the box.

Due to the longtime community following, many user-created scenarios scenarios were created. Most of these were uploaded to the forums at and were freely available for other commuinity members to download, play, and leave comments. Unfortunately, when went offline, the plethora of scenarios, artwork, guides, and other information disappeared with it.

While performing routine data cleanup, I found a few of the old scenarios in some old backups. In addition to the new scenarios that I am building, I am also listing the old scenarios here as well.

All of the downloadable scenarios are compressed using 7zip. If you need help, please check the FAQ page.

Legacy Scenarios

Below is a list of the old scenarios that I found in my backups. As mentioned, these were freely availble on before it went offline. I have given a description of each scenario as accurately as I could based on memory, which may or may not be accurate. Where a README file, an author, or other description information was presented, I have also provided that information.


Red Revolution Unbound

An alternate history where the Soviet Union sought to speed up the Marxist Revolution

Author: Muzzy Lane

From scenario.xml:

From Narva on the Baltic to Odessa on the Black, from Vladivostok on the Pacific to Baku on the Caspian Sea, the Soviet Union casts its red shadow on Eurasia. After years of strife, the Politburo has announced its "support for international workers against the scourge of capitalism, wherever it may threaten them." The USSR has thus begun a massive economic and military mobilization campaign, even going as far as dramatically limiting any purges of the Party or military in order to prepare for an upcoming conflict.

These developments have alarmed many on the Eurasian landmass and beyond. In Europe, the new nation-states fear a potential Soviet reconquest of the traditional imperial Russian spheres of influence. In Asia, China was unable to stop a Soviet "intervention" in Sinkiang in 1935: will the Soviets officially fight the Nationalists, or will they turn south against British India? Already the Soviets have concluded an unholy alliance with fascist Japan: what could each nation's motivation be?

Meanwhile Germany, in the grips of a nationalist upswing under the newly-elected Nazi Party, has indicated its desire for territory in Eastern Europe. The Fascist Italians want to dominate the Mediterranean and the Balkans: already, in 1934, they seized control of Albania. What will each nation do, though, in the face of an ideological conflict with their hated Communist enemy?

All of these moves are watched with great anxiety by London and Paris. Will the Allies and, though isolationist, the United States fight back against the expected Soviet expansion? Will the non-Communist states join together to fight the Soviet menace?



WWI Total Conversion for Making History Gold

Author: Odanan

From the ReadMe:

The proximate catalyst for the World War I was the 28 June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by a Bosnian-Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary’s resulting demands against the Kingdom of Serbia led to the activation of a series of alliances which, within weeks, saw all of the major European powers at war. Because of the global empires of many European nations, the war soon spread worldwide.


  • All countries from 1914 to 1919, including their flags, art set, politic map, armies, and foreign relations.
  • New units with 2D and 3D art, including Assault Infantry, Lancers, WW1 tanks, WW1 planes, Airships, Seaplane Tenders, and Torpedo Boats.
  • Units’ stats, economy and provinces adapted for WW1. More than 30 new cities.
  • New technology tree.
  • New custom WW1-era art.
  • Important events of the WW1, like the Russian Revolution, the Arab Revolt, the Irish Easter Rising, and the Finnish Civil War.


Dawn of Steel

Rise Of The Reich with all the extra techs from Blitzkrieg and extra graphics. All scripted events are included from Rise Of The Reich and The End of Diplomacy.

Author: Ian

From scenario.xml:

As democracies struggle to recover from economic depression, leaders in Germany, Italy, and Japan have begun expanding their powers. Will their actions destroy the world's fragile peace?

Japan has occupied Chinese Manchuria since 1931. Italy recently conquered Ethiopia. Nazi Germany has resumed military expansion and marched into the Rhineland, officially a demilitarized zone. Focused on economic troubles, Britain, France, and the United States have done little to protest these aggressions. Formerly shunned as a Communist threat, the USSR has grown popular as a potential counterweight to German power.

In Spain, the Nationalists have attacked the Republican government. How will the world respond to this civil war?


The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before The Storm is an unofficial expansion for Making History Gold, starting 9 years earlier than Rise of the Reich and adding several new units and features. The Calm Before the Storm is aimed to be no less than the ultimate Making History Gold scenario.

Author: Red Hammer Mod Team
 Odanan: new 2d and 3d art, 3d conversions, design, coding.
 TehBoss: MH Editor job, 3d conversions, coding.
 cavetroll1304: 2D art, Red Hammer site, scenario descriptions.
 Valerii: 3d conversions.

From scenarioInfo.xml:

It's 1924. The Great War has ended with the defeat of the Central Powers and the signing of the treaty of Versailles. For now the world can recuperate and rebuild what it lost; but this time of rest won't last for much longer. New, radical ideologies are beginning to take hold of Europe, nations are rebuilding their shattered armies and the Great Depression will soon grip the global economy; dark storm clouds loom during these years.

For now there is calm, but how long will the calm last?


Zombie Apocalypse

What's worst than Nazis? Nazi Zombies!

Author: Odanan


Since 1934, Himmler's personal project, the SS Paranormal Division, is working to create the Ubersoldaten by using occult rites in the Castle of Wewelsburg, considered by the Nazi cultists as the Center of the World. These experiments failed to develop super soldiers but lead to the creation of ravaging, highly contagious and uncontrollable zombies. Now that the Soviets are overwhelming the German armies in the East and the Western Allies are ready for a massive disembark in France, the Nazis' last chance is to unleash their dark creatures. Maybe the National Socialists can survive the Zombie Apocalypse. Or maybe they can bring death and destruction to their enemies as well.